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Giveaway #1: BMW M6

Cash Prize Option: $15K


Jimmy Trigger / Los Angeles, CA

What he purchased:

A sticker

Did he burn for the 1,000 entries?


Mobile - higher px (5).png__PID:be1bab44-3560-4501-aac6-56d5aceecaea
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Giveaway #2: 991 Porsche 911 Cabriolet

Cash Prize Option: $30K


Dennis Miles (pending final verification)

What was purchased:

Collectible Gold Coin

Did they burn for the 1,000 entries?

Yes, they received the burn as part of the collectible coin purchase.

To be announced....jpg__PID:c17c77d6-ddc0-4168-941d-d04b58f95899
Mobile - higher px.png__PID:c89b3375-497d-4a21-a3ad-3332a36b2deb
Mobile - higher px (1).png__PID:28caa245-0ea6-482c-ab4d-ecba36e5f4d1
Mobile - higher px (2).png__PID:a2450ea6-682c-4b4d-acba-36e5f4d19053
Mobile - higher px (4).png__PID:183aab51-74ec-4d9e-b770-0f918816f842